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Last year we asked for your support in completing the Navy’s DEOC Survey and 65% of our members responded.   We were able to show Admiral Chadwick that a schedule change would help with retention, morale and productivity.  We are happy to announce that we are moving to a 48/48 work schedule effective the 21st Pay Period.  We cannot thank you enough!

This years DEOC Survey should focus on the latest change to the 10 days of ROM.  Last week, our department sent out an email informing personnel that anyone who is approved for travel and is forced to ROM (should they not meet any of the requirements to return to work) and will be required to use Annual Leave instead of Weather and Safety Leave (Admin).  This is wrong and we need to make our voices heard.  We want 100% participation and we are asking everyone to check your government email and follow the instructions.  Captains and Lieutenants….please inform the Union when your Station/Shift is completed.